Getting Started

Restoring Online Privacy
Veles Core is an open-source software project that aims to help people to retain their freedom of access to an information and their privacy on the Internet. Most of current solutions are either commercial centralized services
or are based on volunteer networks which are prone to misuse and censorship. Too fill the gap and provide secure, trustless solution the project take an advantage of developments in distributed systems and blockchain technology,
to build economically self-supporting and eventually self-governing network, significantly more resistant to disruptions or or censorship.
The network currently provides decentralized VPN and tunelling as well as decentralized recursive DNS. More services
will be gradually implemented over time, such as distributed Instant Messaging platform or trustless software

dVPN Free for Public Testing
The free public alpha-testing is still active and there are several Masternodes with full dVPN support up and running. Everyone can join this testing phase and use dVPN service for free, or run his own dVPN-enabled Veles Masternode. Benchmark data gathered from this public testing will help us to improve Veles dVPN for future launch to production.
See dVPN Setup Guide to start using it now on the most popular platforms such as Windows, Linux, OSX, iOS and Android, or directly download dVPN Configuration Files and Certificates.
Currently supported protocols for dVPN are OpenVPN, Shadowsocks with extra obfuscation layers such as Stunnel and Obfsproxy. These layers will also be used for multi-hop implementation, based on the effectivness observed during this public testing stage.

Innovative Blockchain
At the core of the ecosystem is the Veles Core blochchain that employs innovative solutions to overcome
common issues with the current blockchain implementations.
Independent multi-algorithmic PoW mining and other approaches against 51% attacks ensure secure and reliable
Flexible block spacing, insta-mine protection, and dynamic capped block rewards based on hashrate
ensure fairer mining opportunities on all the available algorithm and protects against low-cost opportunistic mining,
keeping costs of the mining more consistent and hence suporting more balanced price discovery.
Dynamic hashrate-based block reward system is complemented by adaptive non-linear halving
mechanism tied to current coin supply, ensuring the correct emmision rate to achieve
both low inflation and long-term sustainability.

Flexible Service Layer
Veles Network is built using a multi-tiered decentralized network approach
based on Masternodes concept, further leveraging it with a flexible and robust
service layer. Latest generation of the Veles Masternodes ensures that the all the
services provided by the Veles Network are served in a redundant decentralzied
manner focused on service quality and availability.
Veles Masternode 2nd generation have been in public testing phase through Q1 2020,
providing extra services such as dVPN, recursive dDNS or optional
decentralized Shadowsocks tunnels for no extra fees while metrics are being gathered.
After the end of the public testing phase and enabling payment system for MN services,
the operators will be able to earn extra frees for the services they provide,
according to their available resources and selected Masternode Tier.

Solid Economic Model
Sane monetary policy plays an important role to ensure store of value of VLS cryptocurrency.
Dynamic hashrate-based block rewards ensures fairer mining opportunities and prevents low-cost
mining would a hashrate drop on any algorithm. Adaptive non-linear halving system tied to
real emission rate compliments the dynamic block rewards and ensures ideal supply curve
with already low inflation rates while preserving long-term sustainability.
Although well-calculated token emission rate and faird reward share play fundamental role in any successful
monetary model, the most important part for the long-term economic self-sufficiency of the project will play
the payments for extra services and resources provided by the Masternode operators.

Funding and Launch
Veles had a fair launch, no developer premine, no ICO or any type of fund-raising. First block on Veles chain was mined 6th Nov 2018 15:22:08, amount of this block was 50 000 VLS (2% of the Maximum Supply) which was used for coin-swap for early adopters which were part of the early test phase.
Started with slow PoW phase with low block rewards and full PoW reward stage after block 50 000
by VCIP01 activationwhich was publicly announced in advance.
To support development of the project in the initial stages, a development fund receives decreasing portion of the block reward, from 5% to 0% in 5 years (currently at 4.65 %). We believe that should be enough to
grow this project to self-sustained phase. Besides the the dev fund we use open community funding model
based on donations to specific crowd-funding proposal.

Open Governance
Last but not least of our most important goals it's to give away the full control of the
project developement and management to the hands of the decentralized organization conttrolled
fairly by all of the network participants. Already now, everyone is able to participate on the Veles Core
development, and we listen closely to the community feedback.
We've already implemented proposal submission and voting using masternodes, and within a next 5 - 7 years current the team will build and test neccessary means of decentralized governance for the ecosystem to
be governed by a self-governing and self-incentivized decentralized organization with it's own transparent funding, project management and development teams.

Main Current Features
Trustless Web Wallet

Secure browser-based, client-side web wallet without registration. Supports multisig, segwit / bech32 ...
Go to WebWallet
Secure Mobile Wallet

Secure and convenient mobile wallet with the support for HD wallets, mnemonic seeds, encryption ...
Get from Google Play Store
Mobile Tunneling

Veles Stunnel makes it easy to set-up and use additional TLS transport for dVPN on Android devices.
Get from Google Play Store
Masternode Dashboard

Easy and convenient interface to manage Veles Masternodes Gen 2 providing self-hosting dashboard.
Public release May 2021, try a
VelesOS Live

VelesOS live operating system, the fastest and easiest way to use Veles dVPN without any setup.
Public beta release through Q4 2021
Multi-algo PoW
Independent multi-algorithmic mining brings better security and flexibility
to the network, where miners can participate with several different devices, whether with ASICS or
GPU rigs.
Veles Core's implementations of multi-algo with dynamic reward system is designed to provide more equal mining opportunities and competition accross the different algorighms.
Currently supported:
- Scrypt
- Lyra2z
- Sha256d
- X16r
- X11
- Nist5
Veles Network takes an advantage of the
Masternode concept to provide it's distributed services and
enable node operators to earn the fees for those services accordingly.
The last generation of Veles Masternodes that is currently in public testing is already providing services such as
dVPN, recursive dDNS or decentralized Shadowsocks tunnels.
A unique Masternode Tier and Rating system is currently under development, where each MN operator will be able to
choose a specialization for his Masternode according to the resources available.
See also Masternode Setup Guide
Service-based architecture of the Veles Network ecosystem enforces better scalability, interoperability
and decoupling of the components, where each one can be developed independently in the most appropriate
programming language for the particlar task.
Veles Core node encapsulates consensus and wallet functionality and takes an advantage of reliability,
security and performance of the C++ code, while many parts of the service layer
benefits from the flexbility, easy prototyping or a large library base of the Python.
See also Veles Core GitHub repositories